League Awards Recognize Innovation and Excellence at the Community College

The League for Innovation prides itself on recognizing innovation and excellence in the community college. Colleges and institutions across the U.S. and abroad demonstrate their dedication to students and communities, and the following awards attest to the League’s support for the daily efforts of faculty, staff, administrators, and students.
League Awards
- 2018 Riegelman Awards for Excellence in Public Health & Health Navigation Education in Community Colleges: Open through October 31, 2017
- 2017 John & Suanne Roueche Excellence Awards: Open through December 15, 2017
- 2017 Terry O’Banion Student Technology Awards: Open through February 9, 2018
- 2018 Innovation of the Year Awards: Open January 18 - April 2, 2018
Now Open
Riegelman Awards for Excellence in Public Health & Health Navigation Education in Community Colleges
The Riegelman Awards are presented to colleges that demonstrate excellence in planning or enhancing associate degree or certificate programs in public health and health navigation education; or providing public health/health foundations courses in allied health, nursing, first responder, health foundations, or related programs. Up to six community colleges that submit a plan will be recognized at the 2018 Innovations Conference in National Harbor, Maryland, March 18-21.
John & Suanne Roueche Excellence Awards
The John & Suanne Roueche Excellence Awards celebrate outstanding contributions and leadership by community college faculty and staff. Primary awards contacts at League Board and Alliance member institutions are invited to submit the name(s) of those at their colleges who exemplify exceptional teaching and leadership for Excellence Awards. The 2017 recipients will be honored at special events at the 2018 Innovations Conference.
Terry O’Banion Student Technology Awards
The League invites League Board and Alliance member institutions to nominate outstanding community college students for the Terry O’Banion Student Technology Awards. This award honors three deserving students with a special talent in technology, strong financial need, and a passion about preparing for a career in technology with scholarships. The awards will be presented at the 2018 Innovations Conference.
Opening Soon
Innovation of the Year Awards
The Innovation of the Year Awards recognize innovative programs, practices, partnerships, policies, and activities that improve the ability of League Board and Alliance member institutions to serve students and the community, and honor the faculty, staff, and administrators who have created and implemented them. Each college or system determines their own eligibility criteria and selection protocol, and winning Innovations of the Year will be recognized at the 2019 Innovations Conference in New York, February 24-27.
Sherry Sklar is the Membership and Social Media Director at the League for Innovation in the Community College, Chandler, Arizona.
Opinions expressed in Innovation Showcase are those of the author(s) and/or submitting college and do not necessarily reflect those of the League for Innovation in the Community College.