Workforce Preparation

For the nine community colleges in California’s San Diego and Imperial counties, “strength in numbers” is more than just an axiom. Through combining their forces—and their voices—college leaders have found that they are able to deliver a powerful message to legislators, the media, and the public.
Representatives from the San Diego and Imperial County colleges meet monthly as part of a consortium known as the San Diego and Imperial Counties Community College Association (SDICCCA). The six college districts, serving a total of more than 200,000 students, range from the San Diego district, the...

A bachelor’s degree in criminal justice paved the way for Leticia Cervantes to become a licensed private investigator. But after a few years in the business, usually checking on unfaithful spouses for local attorneys, she craved a more reliable income and regular work hours. Her solution: Go back to school and learn cosmetology.
“I made the move because the economy is so unpredictable,” said Cervantes, 37, who in December received a certificate in cosmetology from Del Mar College. “My sister has always taught me that in times of economic crisis, people won’t hire a private investigator, but...

Onondaga Community College (OCC), in Syracuse, New York, began educating the next wave of nuclear energy industry workers in the fall of 2013 when it became one of only 36 colleges in the country to offer an A.A.S. degree in Nuclear Energy Technology (NET). The program was created in direct response to a workforce demand brought to the college by the nuclear energy industry. It estimates approximately half of its workforce will be eligible to retire during the next 10 years. The program and its curriculum were funded initially by a grant from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and a gift...
The Wind Energy Department at Cloud County Community College (CCCC), Concordia, KS, held a two-day, 12-hour Introduction to Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Community Enrichment class in June 2015. The class gave any interested community member the opportunity to gain hands-on experience flying, configuring, and taking photos with UAVs. Those attending also had the opportunity to learn about the current FAA regulations for UAVs. Monte Poersch, CCCC wind energy instructor, taught the class.
CCCC Wind Energy instructor demonstrates how to fly a drone
The Wind Energy Department at CCCC has...
Wharton County Junior College (WCJC) students will soon have a cutting-edge career path to follow, thanks to an ongoing collaboration between the college, Tenaris, and the Bay City Community Development Corporation (BCCDC).
Through WCJC’s new Manufacturing Technology Program—which kicks off this fall—students will be able to obtain one of three different certificates or complete a two-year associate of applied science degree in Manufacturing Technology.
Students participating in the program will be well versed in the skills necessary for a host of industry-related fields, said Dr. Amy LaPan...
Workforce programs have long been acknowledged as centers of innovation on every community college campus, and now a new evaluation system can help college workforce leaders demonstrate the learning quality of their instructional programs.
The Workforce Education Implementation Evaluation (WEIE) framework, developed by SRI International in Menlo Park, California, is based on a six-year case study supported by the National Science Foundation of five workforce education programs across the United States. It features tools and concepts that make it possible for program leaders to assess the hard...
Greenville Technical College and Clemson University announced in November 2013 an agreement to educate the advanced manufacturing workforce to serve the automotive, transportation, and other high-tech sectors. According to a memorandum of understanding signed by Greenville Technical College President, Dr. Keith Miller, and James Barker, then president of Clemson University, the vision is for collaboration between a leading research university, an innovative technical college, and advanced manufacturers, creating a center that enhances the development and implementation of advanced...
The League's College and Careers Transition Initiative (CCTI) engaged high schools, community colleges, and businesses in a process to improve career and technical education systems, programs, strategies, and outcomes. This monograph reports on examples of these systems changes that resulted from CCTI participation: expanded use of career pathways; improved academic instruction; improved CTE instruction; measures to improve college readiness; high school-college partnerships and articulation; education-business partnerships; advising and student success initiatives; and data-driven decision ...
As the centerpiece of conferences and federal initiatives across the educational spectrum, career pathways could be seen as be the latest fad offering community colleges the promise of increased funding and student success. In contrast, the authors of this paper contend that career pathways are the building blocks of a critically needed systemic transformation that will position community colleges as leaders in the effort to address some of the most pressing economic and social concerns facing the country today--not as a short term fix or project, but as incubators of innovation capable of...

Employment analysts say that manufacturing jobs are at risk because of automation. Robots have become the new employees on the line. A research paper published by the National Bureau of Economic Research (2017) studied the impact of industrial robots in labor markets in the United States. The results show that robots caused up to 670,000 lost manufacturing jobs from 1990 to 2007. A Ball State University study (2017) shows that nearly nine in ten jobs lost since 2000 disappeared due to automation.
There is one way to stay ahead of technology: be the person who tells the robots and machines...
Resources from the Walmart Brighter Futures 2.0 Project
Section I
Program Summary
Section II
Sample Work Plan
Section III
Impact on Individual and Community
Section IV
Success Stories
Section V
Challenges and Lessons Learned
Section VI
Collaborative Partnerships
Section VII
Project Forms, Documents and Other Materials
Application Checklist
Grant Application 1
Grant Application 2
Sign In Sheet
Section VIII
Project Publicity and Donor Recognition
Flyer - IBEST
Flyer - Scholarship
Press Release 1
Press Release 2
Section IX
Sample Sustainability Plan
Resources from the Walmart Brighter Futures 2.0 Project
Section I
Program Summary
Section II
Sample Work Plan
Section III
Impact on Individual and Community
Section IV
Success Stories
Section V
Challenges and Lessons Learned
Section VI
Collaborative Partnerships
Section VII
Project Forms, Documents and Other Materials
Decision Tree
Fact Sheet
Intake Form
Section VIII
Project Publicity and Donor Recognition
Letter of Support
Participant Experience
Press Release
Section IX
Sample Sustainability Plan
Resources from the Walmart Brighter Futures 2.0 Project
Section I
Program Summary
Section II
Sample Work Plan
Section III
Impact on Individual and Community
Section IV
Success Stories
Section V
Challenges and Lessons Learned
Section VI
Collaborative Partnerships
Section VII
Project Forms, Documents and Other Materials
Intake Form
Scholarship Award Letter
Transportation Assistance Form
Section VIII
Project Publicity and Donor Recognition
Flyer - Outreach
Flyer - Workshop
Press Release
Promotional Items
Promotional Video 1
Promotional Video 2
Section IX
Resources from the Walmart Brighter Futures 2.0 Project
Section I
Program Summary
Section II
Sample Work Plan
Section III
Impact on Individual and Community
Section IV
Success Stories
Section V
Challenges and Lessons Learned
Section VI
Collaborative Partnerships
Section VII
Project Forms, Documents and Other Materials
Acceptance Letter
Interest Sheet
Scholarship Agreement
Section VIII
Project Publicity and Donor Recognition
Flyer - Sustainability
Press Release 1
Press Release 2
Public Presentation
Public Service Announcement
Student Testimonials
Section IX
Sample Sustainability...
Resources from the Walmart Brighter Futures 2.0 Project
Section I
Program Summary
Section II
Sample Work Plan
Section III
Impact on Individual and Community
Section IV
Success Stories
Section V
Challenges and Lessons Learned
Section VI
Collaborative Partnerships
Section VII
Project Forms, Documents and Other Materials
Business Card - Employer
Business Card - Student
Section VIII
Project Publicity and Donor Recognition
Facebook and News
Press Release
Web Page
Section IX
Sample Sustainability Plan
Resources from the Walmart Brighter Futures 2.0 Project
Section I
Program Summary
Section II
Sample Work Plan
Section III
Impact on Individual and Community
Section IV
Success Stories
Section V
Challenges and Lessons Learned
Section VI
Collaborative Partnerships
Section VII
Project Forms, Documents, and Other Materials
Badge Instructions
Data Report
Grant Application
Intake Form
Student Tracking
Section VIII
Project Publicity and Donor Recognition
Completion Program
Flyer - Casino Dealer
Press Release
Promotional Video
Student Testimonial
Web Page
Section IX
Sample Sustainability Plan